SFS Partnership Events & Media | 23 Feb 2023
How the Partnership SRIA looks like after the open consultation?
Did you miss the webinar on the final version of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the European Partnership Sustainable Food Systems (P-SFS) for People, Planet and Climate? Read this and have a look at the slides!

Last 14 February 2023, the SCAR Food System Strategic Working Group (SCAR FS SWG), held an important event to present the final version of the SRIA of the P-SFS. This is a significant milestone in the development of the Partnership , as the SRIA will provide a clear roadmap for research and innovation in the field of sustainable food systems.
During the event, representatives of the SCAR and experts working on this strategic document presented the feedback collected during the open consultation, that took place between the end of 2022 and the beginning of this year. Stakeholders replying to the survey have confirmed the importance of the effort that the European Commission, its Member States, the SCAR and the experts involved are doing to build the P-SFS. Moreveor, they provided additional thoughts and remarks that were analysed and used by the SCAR to fine tune the SRIA.
If you missed the event, don’t worry! The slides presented by speakers are available here, meanwhile, the final text of the SRIA will be published soon in the SCAR FS SWG website.
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